(+ Shipping Continental US Only)
17 oz (500ml)
(Through PayPal. A PayPal account not required)
Organic Tea Seed Oil
(Camellia Oleifera) 500ml/Bottle
Extra Virgin Cold
Pressed From the seeds
87.8% Unsaturated fatty acids
78.54% Monounsaturated fatty acids
(Oleic Acid C 18 : 1 Omega 9)
9.26% Polyunsaturated fatty acids
(Linolenic Acid 18:3 Omega 3,
Linoleic Acid 18:2 Omega 6)
Low saturated fatty acids
0 grams of trans fat
No cholesterol
High in Vitamin E
Contains polyphenols
Smoke Point 485 °F
Fatty Acid Analysis Report